How to say So much in Spanish?

What does Tanto mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “So much” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Tanto”?

So much is translated in Spanish by...

Tanto (m) / Tanta (f)
So much

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Tengo tanto queso para comer.
I have so much cheese to eat.
Me molesta que tú te preocupes tanto.
It annoys me that you worry so much.
Es una lástima que ustedes pasen tanto tiempo en el trabajo.
It is a shame that you spend so much time at work.

More Example Sentences.

Por eso me gusta tanto venir aquí.
That's why I like coming here so much.
Pero al mismo tiempo, ¡ha pasado tanto!
But at the same time, so much has happened!
Está lloviendo tanto que solo puedo ver a unos metros de distancia.
It's raining so much that I can only see a few meters away.
Está nevando tanto que apenas podemos ver por las ventanas de la casa.
It's snowing so much that we can hardly see through the windows of the house.
Tu papá sigue asegurándome que no tengo que preocuparme tanto, que seré una gran madre.
Your daddy keeps reassuring me that I don't have to worry so much, that I'll be a great mom.
Había tanto texto en la descripción de los zapatos que no me tomé el tiempo de leerlo todo.
There is so much text to describe the shoes that I didn't take the time to read everything.


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