How to say Someone in Spanish?
What does Alguien mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

Someone is translated in Spanish by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

To date someone

He will go to jail because he has killed someone.

There is someone sitting close to the train tracks.
More Example Sentences.

Someone very different I guess.

I hope someone can hear me.

You would know if someone is lying to you.

I should have told someone I was leaving.

After a few weeks, Anna had found someone.

I wait about 30 minutes for someone to help me.

I'd do anything to see someone arrive on the trail.

I'm going to find a way to become someone and.

What if someone you love had a bad opinion of you?

She realized someone had stolen pictures from the site.

I start yelling as loud as I can: Someone help me!

After about four hours, I hear a voice over the speaker: Is there someone in there?

I learned that I should always tell someone before venturing into the woods alone.

He told himself that if he managed to survive, someone would come rescue him sooner or later.