How to say Something in Spanish?
What does Algo mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

Something is translated in Spanish by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Are you allergic to something?

Were you looking for something else?

She remembered something.

I just learned something.

I see something over there.

Can I do something else for you?

Something elegant, but comfortable.

There is something below us.

I'm telling you there was something!

Thanks! Do you want something to drink?

Alright. Do you want something to drink?

I have something important to do.

There is something heavy in this box.

They lost something very important.

Can you recommend something so I can practice?

She was thinking about something while smiling.

I would never admit to something I didn't do.

After reaching this goal, we are going to desire something else.

You are going to suspect something if they keep acting so strangely.

Whenever you say something, you try to use the English letter pronunciation.

I seem to be having trouble finding something that will motivate me to speak Spanish.
More Example Sentences.

Something didn't feel right.

She saw I was looking for something!

That's something we take for granted.

There was something strange about this man.

Why name a cat something it is not?

That's when she saw something very strange.

My father wanted me to do something different.

Sure, there's always something horrible going on.

What if you heard something you didn't want to hear?

The power outage taught the whole family something.

In order to withdraw money, I have to buy something.

Suddenly, I hear something moving in the bushes.

After a few weeks, she noticed something very strange.

But this path can often lead to something even better.

I'm not sure how, but something in me changed that day.

We bring two towels, sunscreen, lots of water and something to eat.

One night, Tanya was lying in her bed when she realized something.

When I focus on something, I have the habit of playing with my wedding ring.

One afternoon, both sisters planned on doing something mean to Princess Isabela.

The friend answered: I want to propose something to you, since have some horses.

I leave to get something to eat, and I come back to the office at around seven at night.

They seemed to be very close to finding something and decided not to return home that night.

A few days later, when they were in the middle of an excavation, Hugo noticed something unusual.

One day, after having their classes as usual, Tom told Noah that he wanted to do something different that afternoon.