How to say Something in Spanish?
What does Algo mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Something is translated in Spanish by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
¿Es alérgica a algo?
Are you allergic to something?
Are you allergic to something?
¿Busca algo más?
Were you looking for something else?
Were you looking for something else?
Ella se recordó de algo.
She remembered something.
She remembered something.
Yo acabo de aprender algo.
I just learned something.
I just learned something.
Veo que hay algo allá.
I see something over there.
I see something over there.
¿Puedo ayudarle con algo más?
Can I do something else for you?
Can I do something else for you?
Algo elegante, pero cómodo.
Something elegant, but comfortable.
Something elegant, but comfortable.
Hay algo debajo de nosotros.
There is something below us.
There is something below us.
¡Te digo que allí pasaba algo!
I'm telling you there was something!
I'm telling you there was something!
¡Gracias! ¿Quieres beber algo?
Thanks! Do you want something to drink?
Thanks! Do you want something to drink?
De acuerdo. ¿Desea tomar algo?
Alright. Do you want something to drink?
Alright. Do you want something to drink?
Tengo algo importante que hacer.
I have something important to do.
I have something important to do.
Hay algo pesado en esta caja.
There is something heavy in this box.
There is something heavy in this box.
Ellos perdieron algo muy importante.
They lost something very important.
They lost something very important.
¿Me puedes recomendar algo para practicar?
Can you recommend something so I can practice?
Can you recommend something so I can practice?
Ella pensaba en algo mientras sonreía.
She was thinking about something while smiling.
She was thinking about something while smiling.
Yo nunca admitiría haber hecho algo que no hice.
I would never admit to something I didn't do.
I would never admit to something I didn't do.
Después de alcanzar este objetivo, nosotros vamos a desear algo más.
After reaching this goal, we are going to desire something else.
After reaching this goal, we are going to desire something else.
Ustedes van a sospechar algo si siguen actuando de manera tan extraña.
You are going to suspect something if they keep acting so strangely.
You are going to suspect something if they keep acting so strangely.
Siempre que dices algo, intentas utilizar la pronunciación de letras en inglés.
Whenever you say something, you try to use the English letter pronunciation.
Whenever you say something, you try to use the English letter pronunciation.
Parece que tengo problemas para encontrar algo que me motive para hablar en español.
I seem to be having trouble finding something that will motivate me to speak Spanish.
I seem to be having trouble finding something that will motivate me to speak Spanish.
More Example Sentences.
Algo no encajaba.
Something didn't feel right.
Something didn't feel right.
¡Ya vio que estoy buscando algo!
She saw I was looking for something!
She saw I was looking for something!
Eso es algo que damos por sentado.
That's something we take for granted.
That's something we take for granted.
Había algo raro con ese hombre.
There was something strange about this man.
There was something strange about this man.
¿Por qué nombrar a un gato algo que no es?
Why name a cat something it is not?
Why name a cat something it is not?
Fue entonces cuando vio algo muy extraño.
That's when she saw something very strange.
That's when she saw something very strange.
Mi padre quería que hiciera algo diferente.
My father wanted me to do something different.
My father wanted me to do something different.
Claro, siempre está pasando algo horrible.
Sure, there's always something horrible going on.
Sure, there's always something horrible going on.
¿Qué pasa si oyes algo que no quieres oír?
What if you heard something you didn't want to hear?
What if you heard something you didn't want to hear?
El apagón le enseñó algo a toda la familia.
The power outage taught the whole family something.
The power outage taught the whole family something.
Para retirar dinero, tengo que comprar algo.
In order to withdraw money, I have to buy something.
In order to withdraw money, I have to buy something.
De repente, escucho algo moviéndose en los arbustos.
Suddenly, I hear something moving in the bushes.
Suddenly, I hear something moving in the bushes.
Después de unas semanas, notó algo muy extraño.
After a few weeks, she noticed something very strange.
After a few weeks, she noticed something very strange.
Pero este camino puede llevarnos a algo aún mejor.
But this path can often lead to something even better.
But this path can often lead to something even better.
No estoy seguro de cómo, pero algo en mí cambió ese día.
I'm not sure how, but something in me changed that day.
I'm not sure how, but something in me changed that day.
Llevamos dos toallas, protector solar, mucha agua y algo de comer.
We bring two towels, sunscreen, lots of water and something to eat.
We bring two towels, sunscreen, lots of water and something to eat.
Una noche, Tanya estaba acostada en su cama cuando se dio cuenta de algo.
One night, Tanya was lying in her bed when she realized something.
One night, Tanya was lying in her bed when she realized something.
Cuando me concentro en algo, tiendo a jugar con mi anillo de bodas.
When I focus on something, I have the habit of playing with my wedding ring.
When I focus on something, I have the habit of playing with my wedding ring.
Una tarde, ambas planearon hacerle algo malo a la princesa Isabela.
One afternoon, both sisters planned on doing something mean to Princess Isabela.
One afternoon, both sisters planned on doing something mean to Princess Isabela.
El amigo le respondió: Quiero proponerte algo, ya que tienes algunos caballos.
The friend answered: I want to propose something to you, since have some horses.
The friend answered: I want to propose something to you, since have some horses.
Voy a buscar algo para comer y regreso a la oficina a eso de las siete de la noche.
I leave to get something to eat, and I come back to the office at around seven at night.
I leave to get something to eat, and I come back to the office at around seven at night.
Parecían estar muy cerca de encontrar algo y decidieron no regresar a casa esa noche.
They seemed to be very close to finding something and decided not to return home that night.
They seemed to be very close to finding something and decided not to return home that night.
Unos días más tarde, cuando estaban en medio de una excavación, Hugo notó algo inusual.
A few days later, when they were in the middle of an excavation, Hugo noticed something unusual.
A few days later, when they were in the middle of an excavation, Hugo noticed something unusual.
Un día, después de sus clases usuales, Tom le dijo a Noah que quería hacer algo diferente esa tarde.
One day, after having their classes as usual, Tom told Noah that he wanted to do something different that afternoon.
One day, after having their classes as usual, Tom told Noah that he wanted to do something different that afternoon.