How to say Son in German?
What does Sohn mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Son is translated in German by...
Der Sohn (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Dieses Geschenk ist für meinen Sohn.
This present is for my son.
This present is for my son.
Sie kauft neue Jeans für ihren Sohn.
She is buying new jeans for her son.
She is buying new jeans for her son.
Sie sind oft mit Ihrem Sohn gereist.
You travelled often with your son.
You travelled often with your son.
Der Mann. Der Sohn des Mannes ist Arzt.
The man. The son of the man is a doctor.
The man. The son of the man is a doctor.
Ja. Mein älterer Sohn geht momentan zur Schule.
Yes. My oldest son goes to school at the moment.
Yes. My oldest son goes to school at the moment.
Er mietet oft ein Kajak, um mit seinem Sohn Spaß zu haben.
He often rents a kayak to have fun with his son.
He often rents a kayak to have fun with his son.
More Example Sentences.
Brief an meinen Sohn.
Letter to my son.
Letter to my son.
Mein Sohn ist schon in der Schule!
My son's already off to school!
My son's already off to school!
Der älteste Sohn entschied sich dazu, nicht länger zu warten.
The eldest son decided not to wait any longer.
The eldest son decided not to wait any longer.
Eine Frau und ihr Teenager-Sohn entscheiden, mir zu helfen, nach ihm zu suchen.
A woman and her teenage son decide to help me look for him.
A woman and her teenage son decide to help me look for him.
Eines Tages entschieden sie sich, Max' Onkel Paul vom Verhalten ihres Sohns zu erzählen.
One day, they decided to tell Paul, Max's uncle, about their son's behavior.
One day, they decided to tell Paul, Max's uncle, about their son's behavior.
Seine Eltern waren sehr verärgert und konnten keine Lösung für das Verhaltensproblem ihres Sohns Max finden.
His parents were very upset and couldn't find a solution for their son Max's behavioral problem.
His parents were very upset and couldn't find a solution for their son Max's behavioral problem.