How to say Son in Spanish?
What does Hijo mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

Son is translated in Spanish by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

He wants to catch his son.

My son plays ball with me.

I bought some clothes for my son.

You travelled a lot with your son.

He often rents a kayak to have fun with his son.
More Example Sentences.

Letter to my son.

My son's already off to school!

The eldest son decided not to wait any longer.

Adam loved to go hunting for deer with his two sons.

The two sons could hear the sounds getting closer and closer.

A woman and her teenage son decide to help me look for him.

One day, they decided to tell Paul, Max's uncle, about their son's behavior.

There was once a lumberjack who lived on top of a mountain with his wife and two sons.

His parents were very upset and couldn't find a solution for their son Max's behavioral problem.