How to say Soon in Spanish?
What does Pronto mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Soon is translated in Spanish by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
¿Nos vamos pronto?
Are we leaving soon?
Are we leaving soon?
¿Tienes exámenes pronto?
Do you have exams soon?
Do you have exams soon?
Pronto seré papá.
I will soon be a dad.
I will soon be a dad.
Pronto se sentirá mejor.
You should feel better soon.
You should feel better soon.
¡Formidable! ¡Hasta pronto!
Awesome! Talk to you soon!
Awesome! Talk to you soon!
La sopa estará lista pronto.
The soup will be ready soon.
The soup will be ready soon.
Ella empezará a correr pronto.
She will start running soon.
She will start running soon.
Los globos volarán pronto.
The (hot air) balloons will soon fly.
The (hot air) balloons will soon fly.
Yo debería empezar a trabajar pronto.
I should start working soon.
I should start working soon.
Yo acabaré este proyecto pronto.
I will finish this project soon.
I will finish this project soon.
Yo le daré pronto las llaves a ella.
I will soon give her the keys.
I will soon give her the keys.
Ellos venderán su casa muy pronto.
They will sell their house very soon.
They will sell their house very soon.
Ojalá que nosotros almorcemos pronto.
I hope that we have lunch soon.
I hope that we have lunch soon.
¡Pronto! ¿A qué hora es la próxima salida?
Soon! At what time is the next departure?
Soon! At what time is the next departure?
Para ahora mismo, lo más pronto posible, por favor.
For now, as soon as possible, please.
For now, as soon as possible, please.
Pronto, tú vas a volver de Argentina.
Soon, you are going to return from Argentina.
Soon, you are going to return from Argentina.
Ojalá que yo empiece a entenderlo pronto.
I hope that I begin to understand it soon.
I hope that I begin to understand it soon.
Pronto, nosotros terminaremos de construir el edificio.
We will soon finish building the building.
We will soon finish building the building.
No, no toma mucho tiempo. Esto lo arreglaremos muy pronto.
No, it doesn't take much time. We will fix this very soon.
No, it doesn't take much time. We will fix this very soon.
Según las informaciones obtenidas, habrá una reunión pronto.
According to the information received, there will be a meeting soon.
According to the information received, there will be a meeting soon.
More Example Sentences.
La elección 2182 de Noresta llegará pronto.
The 2182 Noresta election is coming soon.
The 2182 Noresta election is coming soon.
Estoy segura de que me sacarán de aquí muy pronto.
I'm sure they'll get me out of here very soon.
I'm sure they'll get me out of here very soon.
¡No te preocupes, esos ladrones pronto sufrirán las consecuencias!
Don't worry, there will soon be consequences for those crooks!
Don't worry, there will soon be consequences for those crooks!
Alex aceptó y pronto se interesó mucho en el arte de entrenar a talentos más jóvenes.
Alex accepted and soon became fond of the art of training younger talents.
Alex accepted and soon became fond of the art of training younger talents.
Voy a ver a un empleado del aeropuerto para preguntarle si el avión llegará pronto.
I'm going to see an airport employee to ask him if the plane will arrive soon.
I'm going to see an airport employee to ask him if the plane will arrive soon.
Todos esperamos que la energía vuelva pronto para poder seguir haciendo nuestras cosas.
We all hope that the power will come back soon so that we can keep doing our things.
We all hope that the power will come back soon so that we can keep doing our things.
Pronto, Johana y Harry comenzaron su propio negocio; un taller recreativo para niños.
Johana and Harry soon started their own business; a recreational workshop for children.
Johana and Harry soon started their own business; a recreational workshop for children.
Tengo que estar en Francia pronto porque tengo una reunión, pero mi vuelo ha sido pospuesto.
I have to be in France soon because I have a meeting, but my flight has been postponed.
I have to be in France soon because I have a meeting, but my flight has been postponed.
Decidió comenzar a entrenar aún más duro, porque el campeonato más importante de la ciudad ocurriría pronto.
He decided to start training even harder, because the most important championship in the city was coming soon.
He decided to start training even harder, because the most important championship in the city was coming soon.