Learn French: Sports

French translations with examples in context, native recordings and images.

Learn French Sports
Les sports (m)

Ou préféreras-tu les sports comme moi?
Or will you prefer sports like me?
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Le football américain (m)
American football

C'est ce à quoi ressemble un ballon de football américain.
That is what a ball looks like in American football.
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Le golf (m)

Nous sommes allés jouer au golf.
We went to play golf.
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Le hockey (m)

Jouez-vous au hockey?
Do you play hockey?
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La chasse (f)

Vous aimez la chasse.
You (guys) like hunting.
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Le billard (m)

Nous jouons au billard.
We are playing pool.
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La course (f)

Tu perdras la course.
You will lose the race.
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Le ski (m)

Il fait du ski nautique derrière le bateau.
He is water skiing behind the boat.
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La natation (f)

Tu sauras nager après ton cours de natation.
You will know how to swim after your swimming lesson.
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Le tennis (m)

Est-ce que tu joues au tennis?
Do you play tennis?
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Le volley-ball (m)

Ils jouent au volley-ball sur la plage.
They are playing volleyball on the beach.
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