Learn Italian: Sports

Italian translations with examples in context, native recordings and images.

Learn Italian Sports
Gli sport (m)

O preferirai gli sport come me?
Or will you prefer sports like me?
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Il football americano (m)
American football

Nel football, la palla è fatta così.
In football, that is what the ball looks like.
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Il baseball (m)

Penso che fossero neri. Aveva anche un cappello da baseball.
I think it was black. He had a baseball cap on as well.
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Il basket (m)

Ho giocato a basket al liceo.
I played basketball in high school.
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Il bowling (m)

Noi volevamo andare a giocare a bowling.
We wanted to go play bowling.
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La boxe (f)

Alla fine è diventato famoso nel mondo della boxe come un allenatore eccezionale.
He eventually became famous in the boxing world as an outstanding coach.
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Il calcio (m)

Gli piaceva giocare a calcio.
He used to like playing football.
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Il golf (m)

Noi siamo andati a giocare a golf.
We went to play golf.
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L'hockey (m)

È un giocatore di hockey professionista.
He is a professional hockey player.
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La caccia (f)

Adam amava andare a caccia di cervi con i suoi due figli.
Adam loved to go hunting for deer with his two sons.
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Il biliardo (m)

Noi stiamo giocando a biliardo.
We are playing pool.
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Lo sci (m)

Lui prova i suoi sci nuovi su una montagna ripida.
He is testing his new skis on a steep mountain.
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Lo snowboard (m)

Lui ha saltato su un ramo con il suo snowboard.
He jumped on a branch with his snowboard.
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Il nuoto (m)

Io nuoto con i delfini.
I am swimming with the dolphins.
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Il tennis (m)

Sì, gioco a tennis e a calcio.
Yes, I play tennis and soccer.
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La pallavolo (f)

La pallavolo è il mio sport preferito.
Volleyball is my favorite sport.
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