How to say Sports game in French?

What does Match mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Game” in French? What is the meaning of “Match”?

Sports game is translated in French by...

Le match (m)
Sports game

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Ce sera un bon match.
It will be a good game.
Regarde le match, s'il te plaît.
Watch the game, please.
On va gagner le match.
We are going to win the game.
Vous allez perdre le match.
You are going to lose the game.
Quel est le score final du match?
What was the final score of the game?
Ils ont peut-être gagné le match.
They might have won (maybe they won) the game.
Il veut vraiment gagner le match de football.
He really wants to win the football game.
C'est la dernière fois que je t'emmène à un match.
This is the last time I'm taking you to a game.
Il attachait ses lacets avant le match de tennis.
He was tying his shoelaces before the tennis game.
Ils ont un match demain, alors ils s'entraînent.
They have a game tomorrow, therefore they are practicing.
Vous vous asseyez sur le canapé pour regarder le match.
You are sitting (yourselves) on the couch to watch the game.


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