How to say Staircase in Spanish?
What does Escalera mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Staircase is translated in Spanish by...
La escalera (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Los niños están subiendo la escalera juntos.
The kids are going up the staircase together.
The kids are going up the staircase together.
Nosotras bajábamos por la escalera mientras hablábamos.
We were going down the staircase while talking.
We were going down the staircase while talking.
More Example Sentences.
Lo hemos encontrado escondido debajo de la escalera de una fábrica.
We have found him hidden under a factory staircase.
We have found him hidden under a factory staircase.
Subo las escaleras hasta el tercer piso.
I go up the staircase to the third floor.
I go up the staircase to the third floor.
Nunca olvido mi teléfono y generalmente tomo las escaleras.
I never forget my phone and I usually take the staircase.
I never forget my phone and I usually take the staircase.
Mi oficina solo está en el octavo piso, así que tiendo a tomar las escaleras.
My office is only on the eight floor, so I often take the staircase.
My office is only on the eight floor, so I often take the staircase.