How to say Stars in German?

What does Sterne mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Stars” in German? What is the meaning of “Sterne”?

Stars is translated in German by...

Die Sterne (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Wenn ich mein Teleskop hätte, würde ich die Sterne anschauen.
If I had my telescope, I would look at the stars.
Der kleine Junge schaut die Sterne vom Dach des Hauses an.
The little boy is looking at the stars on the roof of the house.

More Example Sentences.

Ich kann die Sterne heute Nacht nicht sehen.
I can't see the stars tonight.
Die Sterne sind schön, wenn es keine Lichtverschmutzung gibt.
The stars are beautiful when there is no light pollution.


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