How to say Store in French?

What does Boutique mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Store” in French? What is the meaning of “Magasin”?

Store is translated in French by...

La boutique (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

À la boutique, évidemment...
To the store, obviously...
La boutique de vêtements pour hommes? Moi aussi.
The men's clothing store? So did I.

Store can also be translated in French by...


Example Sentences in Context.

Aller au magasin.
To go to the store.
Ce magasin vend des jouets très amusants.
This store sells very fun toys.
Le parking est devant le magasin.
The parking lot is in front of the store.
Il y a de belles chemises dans ce magasin.
There are some nice dress shirts in that store.

More Example Sentences.

C'est plus facile de tout simplement les échanger en magasin.
It is easier to simply exchange them in store.
Je vais retourner ces chaussures au magasin, c'est certain.
I'm returning those shoes to the store, that's for sure.
Je préfère essayer les vêtements en magasin avant de les acheter.
I prefer to try the clothes in store before I buy them.
Ils me répondent que je peux me procurer des jeux de société au magasin du coin.
They tell me that I can get board games at the corner store.
Cependant, je veux m'acheter des chaussures de sport et elles sont très chères ici en magasin.
However, I want to buy sport shoes and they are very expensive here in stores.
Je vois que je dois payer les frais d'expédition pour les retourner au magasin à l'autre bout du monde.
I see that I have to pay the shipping costs to return them to the store on the other side of the world.


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