How to say Storm in Spanish?

What does Tormenta mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Storm” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Tormenta”?

Storm is translated in Spanish by...

La tormenta (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Sí, habrá una tormenta en la tarde.
Yes, there will be a thunderstorm in the afternoon.
La lluvia no me importa tanto, pero detesto las tormentas.
I don't mind the rain, but I hate storms.
Es muy probable, una tormenta no dura nunca mucho tiempo.
Most probably, a thunderstorm never lasts very long.

More Example Sentences.

La tormenta de nieve.
The snowstorm.
Hay una tormenta afuera.
There is a storm outside.
El pescador y la tormenta.
The fisherman and the storm.
Es la tormenta del siglo.
It's the storm of the century.
Sabía que esas tormentas eran muy peligrosas.
He knew that those storms were very dangerous.
Sabe que la tormenta está demorando a los aviones.
He is aware of the storm that is slowing down the planes.
Nadie había sobrevivido a una tormenta tan grande en el mar.
No one had ever survived such a huge storm at sea.
A pesar de la tormenta, toda mi familia está caliente y segura en la casa.
Despite the storm, my whole family is warm and safe in the house.
La tormenta por fin cesó, pero para empeorar las cosas, había caído la noche.
The storm finally ceased, but to make matters worse, night fell.
Pero entiendo que no toman fotos turísticas en medio de una tormenta.
But I understand that they don't take tourist photos in the middle of a storm.
Hoy no llueve, pero han pronosticado una tormenta a última hora de la tarde.
Today it's not raining, but a thunderstorm is in the forecast late in the afternoon.
Ese lugar era conocido por sus tormentas y muy pocos pescadores se atrevían a pescar allí.
This place was known for its storms and very few fishermen dared to fish there.
En el pueblo, todos notaron la ausencia de Bory y pensaron que tal vez la tormenta lo había matado.
In the village, everyone noticed Bory's absence and thought that perhaps the storm had killed him.
Una tarde, se estaba preparando para pescar cuando, de repente, comenzó a formarse una tormenta en el mar.
One afternoon, he was getting ready to fish when suddenly, a storm began to form out in the sea.


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