How to say Strawberry in French?
What does Fraise mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Strawberry is translated in French by...
La fraise (f)
Example Sentences in Context.
Ils ont traversé des rivières, des cultures de fraises, des champs de fleurs et des endroits d'une beauté majestueuse.
They crossed rivers, strawberry crops, flower fields, and places full of majestic beauty.
They crossed rivers, strawberry crops, flower fields, and places full of majestic beauty.
J'ai fait des cupcakes aux fraises.
I made strawberry cupcakes.
I made strawberry cupcakes.
Il est difficile de manger une seule fraise.
It's hard to eat just one strawberry.
It's hard to eat just one strawberry.
Les fraises ne poussent pas ici en hiver.
Strawberries don't grow here in the winter.
Strawberries don't grow here in the winter.