How to say Strong in French?

What does Fort mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Strong” in French? What is the meaning of “Fort”?

Strong is translated in French by...

Fort (m) / Forte (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Elle est aussi forte que moi.
She is as strong as I am (me).
Je voudrais être fort comme lui.
I would like to be as strong as him.
Le cheval n'est pas assez fort non plus.
The horse is not strong enough either.

More Example Sentences.

Son frère était très fort.
Her brother was very strong.
Billy était un âne jeune, rapide et fort.
Billy was a young, fast and strong donkey.
Il est jeune, fort et ne se fatigue jamais.
He's young, strong and never gets tired.
Il était de loin l'homme le plus fort du village.
He was by far the strongest man in the village.
Les années se sont écoulées et son règne est resté fort.
The years went by and his reign remained strong.
Je ne peux pas le retenir, son instinct est trop fort.
I can't hold him back, his instincts are too strong.
Le cheval allait bien et avait l'air fort et joyeux.
The horse was feeling well and looked strong and cheerful.
Malgré sa mauvaise condition physique, Alex était extrêmement fort.
Despite his poor physical condition, Alex was extremely strong.
Il a placé les hommes les plus forts et les plus courageux en première ligne.
He placed the strongest and bravest men in the front line.
Quand il a repris conscience, il n'était pas assez fort pour se lever.
When he regained consciousness, he wasn't strong enough to get up.
Don Manuel a répondu: Bien sûr que je suis certain, il a toujours été un âne fort et rapide.
Don Manuel replied: Of course I'm sure, he's always been a strong and fast donkey.
Assure-toi qu'il soit bien nourri chaque jour cette semaine afin qu'il puisse être fort et prêt.
Make sure he is fed well every day this week so that he can be strong and ready.
Rabadak était très fort; ses bras étaient grands et musclés, comme sa poitrine, ses jambes et son dos.
Rabadak was very strong; his arms were large and muscular, as were his chest, legs and back.


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