How to say Strong in Italian?
What does Forte mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

Strong is translated in Italian by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

She is as strong as I am (me).

I would like to be strong like him.

The horse is not strong enough either.
More Example Sentences.

Rabadak was very strong.

Her brother was very strong.

He's young, strong and never gets tired.

Billy was a young, fast and strong donkey.

He was by far the strongest man in the village.

The years went by and his reign remained strong.

I can't hold him back, his instincts are too strong.

The horse was feeling well and looked strong and cheerful.

Despite his poor physical condition, Alex was extremely strong.

When he regained consciousness, he wasn't strong enough to get up.

Don Manuel replied: Of course I'm sure, he's always been a strong and fast donkey.

Make sure he is fed well every day this week so that he can be strong and ready.