How to say Strong in Spanish?

What does Fuerte mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Strong” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Fuerte”?

Strong is translated in Spanish by...

Fuerte (m) / Fuerte (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Ella es tan fuerte como yo.
She is as strong as I am (me).
Me gustaría ser fuerte como él.
I would like to be strong like him.
El caballo tampoco es lo suficientemente fuerte.
The horse is not strong enough either

More Example Sentences.

Su hermano era muy fuerte.
Her brother was very strong.
Es joven, fuerte e incansable.
He's young, strong and never gets tired.
Billy era un burro joven, rápido y fuerte.
Billy was a young, fast and strong donkey.
Era de lejos el hombre más fuerte de la aldea.
He was by far the strongest man in the village.
Los años pasaron y su reinado se mantuvo fuerte.
The years went by and his reign remained strong.
No puedo detenerlo, sus instintos son demasiado fuertes.
I can't hold him back, his instincts are too strong.
El caballo se sentía bien y se veía fuerte y alegre.
The horse was feeling well and looked strong and cheerful.
Colocó a sus hombres más fuertes y valientes al frente.
He placed the strongest and bravest men in the front line.
A pesar de su pobre condición física, Alex era extremadamente fuerte.
Despite his poor physical condition, Alex was extremely strong.
Milo se ocupaba de colocar tirantes fuertes y gruesos para evitar accidentes.
Milo always took care of placing strong and thick braces to prevent accidents.
Don Manuel respondió: Por supuesto, siempre ha sido un burro fuerte y rápido.
Don Manuel replied: Of course I'm sure, he's always been a strong and fast donkey.
Asegúrate de alimentarlo bien todos los días esta semana para que esté fuerte y bien preparado.
Make sure he is fed well every day this week so that he can be strong and ready.
Rabadak era muy fuerte; tenía brazos grandes y musculosos, como su pecho, piernas y espalda.
Rabadak was very strong; his arms were large and muscular, as were his chest, legs and back.


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