How to say Successful in German?
What does Erfolgreich mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Successful is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ihre Intervention war erfolgreich.
Their intervention was successful.
Their intervention was successful.
More Example Sentences.
Ihr Vater besaß ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen.
Her father owned a successful enterprise.
Her father owned a successful enterprise.
Er hätte sehr reich und erfolgreich sein können.
He could have been very rich and successful.
He could have been very rich and successful.
Als Milo die Geschichten über andere erfolgreiche Bergarbeiter hörte, gaben ihm diese viel Hoffnung.
When Milo heard the stories of other successful miners, it gave him a lot of hope.
When Milo heard the stories of other successful miners, it gave him a lot of hope.
Es gab eine große Schlacht und überraschenderweise wurde die Stadt beim Einbruch der Nacht erfolgreich verteidigt.
There was a huge battle and, surprisingly, when night fell, the city was defended successfully.
There was a huge battle and, surprisingly, when night fell, the city was defended successfully.