How to say Sun in Italian?
What does Sole mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Sun is translated in Italian by...
Il sole (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Mi piace l'estate, il calore, il sole...
I love summer, the heat, the sun...
I love summer, the heat, the sun...
Quel cappello mi protegge dal sole.
That hat protects me from the sun.
That hat protects me from the sun.
La crema solare ti protegge dal sole.
Sunscreen protects you from the sun.
Sunscreen protects you from the sun.
Indossava una camicia nera, jeans e occhiali da sole.
He was wearing a black shirt, jeans and sunglasses.
He was wearing a black shirt, jeans and sunglasses.
Noi chiudiamo gli occhi perché il sole è molto luminoso.
We are closing our eyes because the sun is very bright.
We are closing our eyes because the sun is very bright.
More Example Sentences.
Dov'è il mio prezioso sole?
Where's my precious sun?
Where's my precious sun?
Avrei bisogno di un po' di sole.
I would need some sun.
I would need some sun.
Il sole splende la maggior parte dei giorni dell'anno.
The sun shines most days of the year.
The sun shines most days of the year.
Posso andarci solo di notte perché il sole mi brucia la pelle.
I can only go at night because the sun burns my skin.
I can only go at night because the sun burns my skin.
Il sole stava tramontando quando ha notato un odore caratteristico.
The sun was setting when he noticed an unmistakable smell.
The sun was setting when he noticed an unmistakable smell.
Era ideale, perché l'albero lo proteggeva dai raggi del sole.
This was ideal because the tree would protect him from the sun's rays.
This was ideal because the tree would protect him from the sun's rays.
Esco in cortile e vado al sole per vedere le condizioni del mio cardigan.
I go out into the backyard and I put myself under the sun to see the state of my cardigan.
I go out into the backyard and I put myself under the sun to see the state of my cardigan.
Un giorno, mentre il sole stava per tramontare, lo zio Paolo ha guardato Max seduto da solo a fissare l'orizzonte.
One day, when the sun was about to set, uncle Paolo watched Max sitting alone staring at the horizon.
One day, when the sun was about to set, uncle Paolo watched Max sitting alone staring at the horizon.
Hanno camminato dritti nel cuore del deserto, dove la sabbia aveva una sfumatura rossastra e splendeva come il sole.
They walked right into the heart of the desert, where the sand had a reddish hue and shone like the sun.
They walked right into the heart of the desert, where the sand had a reddish hue and shone like the sun.