How to say Sun in Spanish?
What does Sol mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

Sun is translated in Spanish by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

I love summer, the heat, the sun...

He was wearing a black shirt, jeans and sunglasses.

Sunscreen protects you from the sun.

We are closing our eyes because the sun is very bright.
More Example Sentences.

I would need some sun.

Only sunshine for the next days!

The sun shines most days of the year.

I see that the sun has returned on the other side of the island.

The sun was setting when he noticed an unmistakable smell.

This was ideal because the tree would protect him from the sun's rays.

We bring two towels, sunscreen, lots of water and something to eat.

We sit comfortably with our towels and we apply sunscreen.

On one sunny day, Rabadak went out hunting without knowing this would be the last time.

I go out into the backyard and I put myself under the sun to see the state of my cardigan.

One day, when the sun was about to set, uncle Paul watched Max sitting alone staring at the horizon.

They walked right into the heart of the desert, where the sand had a reddish hue and shone like the sun.

As soon as the sun came up, the archaeologist, accompanied by his team of explorers, decided to begin his journey.

The next morning when the sun came up, Bory regained his strength and looked for a source of water he could drink.