How to say Surprised in German?
What does Überrascht mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Surprised is translated in German by...
Example Sentences in Context.
Der kleine Esel war überrascht, aber er schrie vor Freude.
The little donkey was surprised, but brayed with happiness.
The little donkey was surprised, but brayed with happiness.
Rabadak sah überrascht aus, war aber sehr glücklich, es getroffen zu haben.
Rabadak looked surprised, but he was very happy for getting it.
Rabadak looked surprised, but he was very happy for getting it.
Ich öffne den kleinsten Karton und bin sehr überrascht von dem, was ich finde.
I open the smallest box and I'm very surprised by what I find.
I open the smallest box and I'm very surprised by what I find.
Das überraschte viele Leute, aber für ihn erschien es sehr einfach und natürlich.
This surprised a lot of people, but to him, it seemed very simple and natural.
This surprised a lot of people, but to him, it seemed very simple and natural.
Okay, ich bin etwas überrascht vom Tonfall des Mannes. Aber ich mache trotzdem den Termin.
Okay, I'm a little surprised by the man's tone of voice. But I still make the appointment.
Okay, I'm a little surprised by the man's tone of voice. But I still make the appointment.
Als sie endlich die Insel erreichten, waren sie überrascht, Bory noch lebend vorzufinden. Sie hüpften vor Freude!
When they finally reached the island, they were surprised to find Bory still alive. They jumped with joy!
When they finally reached the island, they were surprised to find Bory still alive. They jumped with joy!