How to say Tall in French?

What does Grand mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Tall” in French? What is the meaning of “Grand”?

Tall is translated in French by...

Grand (m) / Grande (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Il est grand, elle est petite.
He is tall, she is short.
Cet arbre est vraiment grand.
This tree is really tall.
J'aimerais être grand comme toi.
I would like to be as tall as you.
Il est plus grand que toi.
He is taller (more tall) than you are (you).
Il était mince et grand, environ un mètre quatre-vingt.
He was skinny and tall, around a meter eighty.
Paul est le plus grand du groupe.
Paul is the tallest (the most tall) of the group.
Je suis presque assez grand pour aller dans les montagnes russes.
I am almost tall enough to go on the roller coaster.

More Example Sentences.

C'est l'un des plus grands bâtiments de la ville.
It is one of the tallest buildings in the city.


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