How to say Tall in German?

What does Groß mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Tall” in German? What is the meaning of “Groß”?

Tall is translated in German by...


Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Ich bin etwa 1,80 meter groß.
I am about 1 meter 80 tall.
Dieser Baum ist wirklich groß.
This tree is really tall.
Ein großer Mann sitzt vor mir.
A tall man is sitting in front of me.
Ich bin fast groß genug, um die Achterbahn zu fahren.
I am almost tall enough to go on the roller coaster.
Er war dünn und groß, vermutlich 1,77 Meter groß.
He was skinny and tall, probably 1 meter 77.


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Physical Traits in German.