How to say Tall in Italian?
What does Alto mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Tall is translated in Italian by...
Alto (m) / Alta (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Quant'è alta la giraffa?
How tall is the giraffe?
How tall is the giraffe?
Chi è il più alto?
Who is the tallest?
Who is the tallest?
Lui è alto, lei è bassa.
He is tall, she is short.
He is tall, she is short.
Il Suo collega è più alto di Lei.
Your colleague is taller than you.
Your colleague is taller than you.
Lui è più alto di te.
He is taller (more tall) than you are (you).
He is taller (more tall) than you are (you).
Era alto e magro, probabilmente un metro e ottanta.
He was skinny and tall, probably one metre eighty.
He was skinny and tall, probably one metre eighty.
More Example Sentences.
L'edificio ha 72 piani. È uno degli edifici più alti della città.
The building has 72 floors. It is one of the tallest buildings in the city.
The building has 72 floors. It is one of the tallest buildings in the city.
Non era una persona piccola, ma per l'atletica era utile essere più alto della media.
He wasn't a short person, but for track and field, it was helpful to be taller than average.
He wasn't a short person, but for track and field, it was helpful to be taller than average.