How to say Teacher in Italian?
What does Insegnante mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

Teacher is translated in Italian by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

I am an Italian teacher.

They should listen to their teacher.

They are listening to their teacher.

The teacher helped you with your homework.

Miss Rossi is the worst teacher in the school.

The teacher will be able to answer all our questions.

My teacher recommended that I organize my locker.

You were observing your teacher carefully as he did a science experiment.
More Example Sentences.

Yes, my teacher is very kind.

I thank the teacher before leaving.

I'll tell my teacher and she'll punish you!

Before I go home, the teacher calls me.

She wanted to become a foreign language teacher.

The teacher didn't know what to do to control the two boys.

The teachers looked at each other in amazement as they applauded the performance.

She asked her teacher if she could perform a small experiment.

What will my teacher and friends say if they see me like this?

He quickly told his teacher that he could play the piano.

His biology teacher approached him to talk about the event.

When I come into class, the teacher sees me and says: But what happened?

We heard you talking with the teacher a while ago, says Brutus, the group leader.

Back in class, before the beginning of math class, I tell the teacher what happened.