How to say Television in Italian?

What does Televisione mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Television” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Televisione”?

Television is translated in Italian by...

La televisione (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Tu guardavi la televisione.
You were watching television.
Sì. Vorrei anche una televisione.
Yes. I would also like to have a television.
Tu guardavi troppa televisione.
You used to watch too much television.
Signore, la televisione è inclusa nel prezzo.
Sir, the television is included (in the price).
Voi vi sedete per guardare la televisione.
You sit (yourselves) down to watch television.
La mia nuova televisione ha un'ottima qualità dell'immagine.
My new television has a great image quality.
Lei andrà a guardare la televisione dopo aver fatto i compiti.
She will go watch television after having done her homework.

More Example Sentences.

Aveva semplicemente guardato molte televisioni straniere.
She had simply watched a lot of foreign television.
Ma, all'improvviso, la luce e la televisione nella mia stanza si spengono.
But suddenly, the light and the television in my room go out.


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