How to say Television in Spanish?

What does Televisión mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Television” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Televisión”?

Television is translated in Spanish by...

La televisión (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Tú mirabas la televisión.
You were watching television.
Señor, la televisión está incluida.
Sir, the television is included.
Tú veías demasiado la televisión.
You used to watch too much television.
Sí. También quisiera tener una televisión.
Yes. I would also like to have a television.
Mi nueva televisión tiene muy buena calidad de imagen.
My new television has a great image quality.
Ella irá a ver televisión después que haya hecho sus deberes.
She will go watch television after having done her homework.

More Example Sentences.

Simplemente había visto mucha televisión extranjera.
She had simply watched a lot of foreign television.
Pero de repente, la luz y la televisión de mi habitación se apagan.
But suddenly, the light and the television in my room go out.
Solía tener mi propio programa de televisión llamado: Bingo el payaso.
I used to have my own television show called: Bingo the clown.


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