How to say Terrible in French?
What does Terrible mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Terrible is translated in French by...
Terrible (m) / Terrible (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ah bon? C'est terrible!
Really? That's terrible!
Really? That's terrible!
Je trouve que le film était terrible.
I think that the movie was terrible.
I think that the movie was terrible.
More Example Sentences.
J'y parviens, mais j'ai terriblement mal.
I can do it, but I'm in terrible pain.
I can do it, but I'm in terrible pain.
Il faisait presque nuit et tout le monde avait peur des dangers cachés dans ce terrible désert.
It was almost nightfall and everyone was afraid of the dangers hidden in that terrible desert.
It was almost nightfall and everyone was afraid of the dangers hidden in that terrible desert.