How to say There in German?
What does Dort mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
There is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ich bin dort gewesen.
I have been there.
I have been there.
Wir werden uns dort treffen.
We will meet there.
We will meet there.
Dort ist unser Traumhaus.
Our dream house is there.
Our dream house is there.
Und was genau machst du dort?
And what exactly do you do there?
And what exactly do you do there?
Jenes Pferd. Das Pferd dort.
That horse. The horse there.
That horse. The horse there.
Jene Affen. Die Affen dort.
Those monkeys. The monkeys there.
Those monkeys. The monkeys there.
Was ist mit denen dort drüben in diesem Kasten?
What about the ones over there in that bin?
What about the ones over there in that bin?
Willkommen in meiner Welt. Welche Position hast du dort?
Welcome to my world. What is your position there?
Welcome to my world. What is your position there?
Nein, die Schule ist toll. Ich mache meine Sache dort ziemlich gut.
No, the school is great. I do quite well there.
No, the school is great. I do quite well there.
Wenn dort nicht so viele Autos wären, würden wir die Straße überqueren.
If there weren't so many cars, we would cross the road.
If there weren't so many cars, we would cross the road.
Nein! Sie müssen den Ball auf die andere Seite des Feldes bringen und ihn dort aufsetzen.
No! They have to bring the ball to the other side of the field and touch it down there.
No! They have to bring the ball to the other side of the field and touch it down there.
More Example Sentences.
Dort ist viel Stille.
There is a lot of silence.
There is a lot of silence.
Dort sind sehr wenige Menschen.
There are very few people.
There are very few people.
Warum sind dort so viele Menschen?
Why are there so many people?
Why are there so many people?
Dort arbeitet nur ein Mann an einem Auto.
There's only one man working on a car.
There's only one man working on a car.
Wir verbringen den größten Teil des Sommers dort.
We spend most of the summer there.
We spend most of the summer there.
Dort ist kein Schild, um das Geschäft zu erkennen.
There is no sign to identify the business.
There is no sign to identify the business.
In dieser Zeit war dort ein Mann namens Rabadak.
In that time, there was a man named Rabadak.
In that time, there was a man named Rabadak.
Dort gibt es genug, um mich wochenlang zu beschäftigen!
There's enough to keep you busy for weeks!
There's enough to keep you busy for weeks!
Die besten Vollblutpferde der Stadt starteten dort.
The best thoroughbred horses in the city ran there.
The best thoroughbred horses in the city ran there.
Er wusste, dass dort die besten Gerichte serviert wurden.
He knew that the best dishes were served there.
He knew that the best dishes were served there.
Dort sind Vulkane, dichte Wälder, schöne Strände …
There are volcanoes, dense forests, beautiful beaches...
There are volcanoes, dense forests, beautiful beaches...
Onkel Paul gehörte der Hof und er hatte dort gearbeitet, seit er sehr jung gewesen war.
Uncle Paul owned the farm and had worked there since he was very young.
Uncle Paul owned the farm and had worked there since he was very young.
Dort sind Orte, wo es fast durchgehend regnet, während andere Orte sehr trocken sind.
There are places where it rains almost constantly, while other places are very dry.
There are places where it rains almost constantly, while other places are very dry.
Als sie zurückkamen, erkannten sie, dass dort Zeichnungen an den Wänden zu sein schienen.
When they came back, they realized that there seemed to be drawings on the walls.
When they came back, they realized that there seemed to be drawings on the walls.
Dieser Ort war für seine Stürme bekannt und sehr wenige Fischer wagten es, dort zu fischen.
This place was known for its storms and very few fishermen dared to fish there.
This place was known for its storms and very few fishermen dared to fish there.
Dort ist so viel Text zur Beschreibung der Schuhe, dass ich mir nicht die Zeit genommen hatte, alles zu lesen.
There is so much text to describe the shoes that I didn't take the time to read everything.
There is so much text to describe the shoes that I didn't take the time to read everything.