How to say Time in German?
What does Zeit mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Time is translated in German by...
Die Zeit (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Eine lange Zeit
A long time
A long time
Ach ja! Wie die Zeit vergeht!
Oh, yeah! How time flies!
Oh, yeah! How time flies!
Sofia singt die ganze Zeit.
Sofia sings all the time.
Sofia sings all the time.
Um welche Zeit werden Sie ankommen?
What time will you be arriving?
What time will you be arriving?
Gib uns ein bisschen mehr Zeit.
Give us a little more time.
Give us a little more time.
Ich habe eine sehr lange Zeit gewartet.
I've waited for a very long time.
I've waited for a very long time.
Ja, der Druck wurde mit der Zeit geringer.
Yes, over time the pressure was reduced.
Yes, over time the pressure was reduced.
Es war warm genug! Ich hatte eine tolle Zeit!
It was warm enough! I had a great time!
It was warm enough! I had a great time!
Ja. Es hat mich gefreut, Zeit mit dir zu verbringen.
Yes. I liked spending time with you.
Yes. I liked spending time with you.
Für eine lange Zeit hast du Broccoli gehasst.
You have hated broccoli for a long time.
You have hated broccoli for a long time.
Dieses Tier ist schon seit langer Zeit tot.
This animal has been dead for a long time.
This animal has been dead for a long time.
Ich glaube, es ist Zeit ins Bett zu gehen, Mädels!
I believe it's time to go to bed girls!
I believe it's time to go to bed girls!
Ihr verbrachtet zu viel Zeit bei der Arbeit.
You were spending too much time at work.
You were spending too much time at work.
Sie werden sich viel Zeit nehmen, um zu studieren.
They will take a lot of time to study.
They will take a lot of time to study.
Es ist Zeit für dich, aus dem Karton zu herauskommen.
It is time for you to come out of the box.
It is time for you to come out of the box.
Wir wissen nicht, ob wir die Zeit haben werden.
We don't know if/whether we will have the time.
We don't know if/whether we will have the time.
Was hast du gemacht, damit die Zeit schneller vergeht?
What did you do so that the time would go by faster?
What did you do so that the time would go by faster?
Wenn wir morgen Zeit haben, werden wir Tennis spielen.
If we have the time tomorrow, we will play tennis.
If we have the time tomorrow, we will play tennis.
Anbringen: Es ist Zeit, die Waschmaschine anzubringen.
To install: It's time to install the washing machine.
To install: It's time to install the washing machine.
Ein bisschen stressig. Ich hatte viel zu tun und wenig Zeit.
A little stressful. I had many things to do and little time.
A little stressful. I had many things to do and little time.
Haben Sie mit der Zeit festgestellt, dass der Druck geringer wurde?
Over time did you feel that the pressure was reduced?
Over time did you feel that the pressure was reduced?
Dieser Mann reist in der Zeit zurück, um die Dinosaurier zu retten.
This guy travels back in time to rescue the dinosaurs.
This guy travels back in time to rescue the dinosaurs.
Schön zu hören. Ihr müsst euch etwas Zeit nehmen, zusammen zu sein.
Good to hear. You need to take some time to be together.
Good to hear. You need to take some time to be together.
In ihren Köpfen hatten sie sich schon vor langer Zeit getrennt.
In their minds, they had separated a long time ago.
In their minds, they had separated a long time ago.
Sie haben am Telefon geantwortet und haben eine lange Zeit gesprochen.
They answered the phone and spoke for a long time.
They answered the phone and spoke for a long time.
Nein, es braucht nicht viel Zeit. Wir werden das sehr bald reparieren.
No, it doesn't take much time. We will fix this very soon.
No, it doesn't take much time. We will fix this very soon.
Ich habe mir die falsche Zeit gemerkt und das Ticket zu Hause vergessen.
I remembered the time wrong and forgot the ticket at home.
I remembered the time wrong and forgot the ticket at home.
Nun, ja. Aber die Zeit geht schnell rum, wenn man etwas zu tun hat.
Well, yes. But the time goes by fast if you have something to do.
Well, yes. But the time goes by fast if you have something to do.
Es regnete draußen; allerdings hatten sie trotzdem eine gute Zeit.
It was raining outside; however, they still had a good time.
It was raining outside; however, they still had a good time.
Zu der Zeit wurde ein Baby oft ohne medizinische Eingriffe geboren.
At the time, a baby was often born without medical intervention.
At the time, a baby was often born without medical intervention.
Wenn ich Zeit hätte, würde ich mich setzen und mit ihm jeden Morgen sprechen.
If I had time, I would sit down and talk with him every morning.
If I had time, I would sit down and talk with him every morning.
Du hattest realisiert, dass es für dich Zeit war, zurück zur Schule zu gehen.
You had realized that it was time for you to go back to school.
You had realized that it was time for you to go back to school.
Wenn die Telefone nicht alle zur selben Zeit klingeln würden, würdest du antworten.
If the phones weren't all ringing at the same time, you would answer.
If the phones weren't all ringing at the same time, you would answer.
Sie mögen wohl spät kommen, weil es um diese Zeit viel Verkehr auf den Straßen gibt.
They may be late, because there is a lot of traffic in the street at this time.
They may be late, because there is a lot of traffic in the street at this time.