How to say Tire in French?
What does Pneu mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

Tire is translated in French by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

You have a flat tire!

Winter tires (Literal: Tires of winter).

Yes. Can you look at the tires? I'm not sure they are inflated enough.
More Example Sentences.

It was for a change of tires.

The change of tires, that's true.

The tires on my car are really worn out.

I think it's time to get my tires changed.

I paid and the mechanic didn't change my tires!

I ask him who I should talk to for a change of tires.

I tell him again that it was for a change of tires.

I walk into the garage and say: You didn't change my tires!

I ask if they have any availability this week for a change of tires.

I still haven't had my tires changed, but I have a very good story to tell.

When I get home, I get out of my car and realize that my tires haven't been changed!