How to say Tire in Italian?
What does Pneumatico mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Tire is translated in Italian by...
Lo pneumatico (m)
Example Sentences in Context.
Ripeto ancora una volta che si trattava di un cambio di pneumatici.
I tell him again that it was for a change of tires.
I tell him again that it was for a change of tires.
Tire can also be translated in Italian by...
Example Sentences in Context.
Lei ha una gomma a terra!
You have a flat tire!
You have a flat tire!
Sì, grazie. Può guardare anche le gomme? Penso di non avere abbastanza aria.
Yes, please. Can you also look at the tires? I think they don't have enough air.
Yes, please. Can you also look at the tires? I think they don't have enough air.
Le gomme della mia auto sono davvero consumate.
The tires on my car are really worn out.
The tires on my car are really worn out.
Gli chiedo a chi posso rivolgermi per un cambio gomme.
I ask him who I should talk to for a change of tires.
I ask him who I should talk to for a change of tires.
Chiedo se hanno disponibilità questa settimana per un cambio gomme.
I ask if they have any availability this week for a change of tires.
I ask if they have any availability this week for a change of tires.
Penso che sia ora di farmi cambiare le gomme. Sta diventando pericoloso.
I think it's time to get my tires changed. It's getting dangerous.
I think it's time to get my tires changed. It's getting dangerous.
Non ho ancora cambiato le gomme, ma ho un ottimo aneddoto da raccontare.
I still haven't had my tires changed, but I have a very good story to tell.
I still haven't had my tires changed, but I have a very good story to tell.
Entro nel garage e dico: Non mi hai cambiato le gomme! Mi hai derubato!
I walk into the garage and say: You didn't change my tires! You stole from me!
I walk into the garage and say: You didn't change my tires! You stole from me!
Dico: Sì, ciao. Sono qui per ritirare la mia auto. Era per un cambio gomme.
I say: Yes, hello. I'm here to pick up my car. It was for a change of tires.
I say: Yes, hello. I'm here to pick up my car. It was for a change of tires.
Non posso proprio crederci! Ho pagato e il meccanico non mi ha cambiato le gomme!
I just can't believe it! I paid and the mechanic didn't change my tires!
I just can't believe it! I paid and the mechanic didn't change my tires!
Gli dico di no, che non dovevo cambiare l'olio, che era per un cambio gomme.
I tell him no, that I didn't have to change the oil, that it was for a change of tires.
I tell him no, that I didn't have to change the oil, that it was for a change of tires.
Mi risponde: Sì, certo. Il cambio gomme, giusto. Può venire a prendere la macchina.
He says: Yes, of course. The change of tires, that's true. You can come get the car.
He says: Yes, of course. The change of tires, that's true. You can come get the car.
Quando torno a casa, scendo dalla macchina e mi accorgo che le mie gomme non sono state cambiate!
When I get home, I get out of my car and realize that my tires haven't been changed!
When I get home, I get out of my car and realize that my tires haven't been changed!