How to say Tired in German?
What does Müde mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Tired is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ich bin heute Morgen müde.
I am tired this morning.
I am tired this morning.
Er ist auch nicht müde.
He is not tired either.
He is not tired either.
Oh! Ich bin schon müde! Ist das alles?
Oh! I am already tired! Is that all?
Oh! I am already tired! Is that all?
Wenn ich müde wäre, würde ich schlafen.
If I were tired, I would sleep.
If I were tired, I would sleep.
Ich gehe ins Bett. Ich bin sehr müde.
I'm going to bed. I am very tired.
I'm going to bed. I am very tired.
Weil ich müde bin, will ich nicht gehen.
Since I'm tired, I don't want to go.
Since I'm tired, I don't want to go.
Wenn wir müde wären, würden wir ins Bett gehen.
If we were tired, we would go to bed.
If we were tired, we would go to bed.
Du wirst müde sein, wenn du nicht ins Bett gehst.
You will be tired if you don't go to bed.
You will be tired if you don't go to bed.
Wenn du nicht so müde wärst, würdest du fahren.
If you weren't so tired, you would drive.
If you weren't so tired, you would drive.
Wenn wir müde wären, würden wir beim Laufen anhalten.
If we were tired, we would stop running.
If we were tired, we would stop running.
Wenn du müde wärst, würde ich dir einen Kaffee machen.
If you were tired, I would make you a coffee.
If you were tired, I would make you a coffee.
Wenn ich nicht müde wäre, würde ich ins Einkaufszentrum gehen.
If I weren't tired, I would go to the mall.
If I weren't tired, I would go to the mall.
Wenn er nicht so müde wäre, würde er seine Arbeit beenden.
If he weren't so tired, he would finish his work.
If he weren't so tired, he would finish his work.
Du scheinst müde zu sein, hast du letzte Nacht gut geschlafen?
You seem tired, did you sleep well last night?
You seem tired, did you sleep well last night?
Wenn ich nicht so müde wäre, würde ich meine Hausaufgaben machen.
If I weren't so tired, I would do my homework.
If I weren't so tired, I would do my homework.
Ihr zwangt mich, zur Schule zu gehen, obwohl ich müde war.
You were forcing me to go to school, even though I was tired.
You were forcing me to go to school, even though I was tired.
Sie können sich nicht mehr konzentrieren, weil sie zu müde sind.
They can't concentrate anymore, because they are too tired.
They can't concentrate anymore, because they are too tired.
More Example Sentences.
Mein Hund Milo war den ganzen Tag alleine. Er ist nicht müde.
My dog Milo was alone all day. He's not tired.
My dog Milo was alone all day. He's not tired.
Ich bin dumm. Ich sehe heute so müde aus. Mein Haar ist ein Chaos.
I am stupid. I look so tired today. My hair is a mess.
I am stupid. I look so tired today. My hair is a mess.
Er brach zusammen, sobald er festen Boden berührte. Er war so müde, dass er auf der Stelle einschlief.
He collapsed as soon as he touched solid ground. He was so tired that he fell asleep on the spot.
He collapsed as soon as he touched solid ground. He was so tired that he fell asleep on the spot.