How to say Tired in Spanish?
What does Cansado mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Tired is translated in Spanish by...
Cansado (m) / Cansada (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Nunca estoy cansada.
I am never tired.
I am never tired.
Estoy cansada esta mañana.
I am tired this morning.
I am tired this morning.
Estoy cansada de caminar.
I am tired of walking.
I am tired of walking.
No sé. Estoy un poco cansada.
I don't know. I'm a little tired.
I don't know. I'm a little tired.
Estar cansado
To be tired
To be tired
Tú estarás cansada si no te acuestas.
You will be tired if you don't go to bed.
You will be tired if you don't go to bed.
Él tampoco está cansado.
He is not tired either.
He is not tired either.
Si no estuvieras tan cansada, manejarías.
If you weren't so tired, you would drive.
If you weren't so tired, you would drive.
Si estuviera cansado, dormiría.
If I were tired, I would sleep.
If I were tired, I would sleep.
¡Uf! ¡Ya estoy cansado! ¿Es todo?
Oh! I am already tired! Is that all?
Oh! I am already tired! Is that all?
Es posible que tú estés cansado.
It is possible that you are tired.
It is possible that you are tired.
Yo no quiero ir porque estoy cansado.
I don't want to go because I'm tired.
I don't want to go because I'm tired.
Si estuviéramos cansados, nos acostaríamos.
If we were tired, we would go to bed.
If we were tired, we would go to bed.
Si estuvieras cansado, te haría un café.
If you were tired, I would make you a coffee.
If you were tired, I would make you a coffee.
Si no estuviera cansado, oiría el discurso.
If I weren't tired, I would hear the speech.
If I weren't tired, I would hear the speech.
Si estuviéramos cansados, pararíamos de correr.
If we were tired, we would stop running.
If we were tired, we would stop running.
Si no estuviera cansado, iría al centro comercial.
If I weren't tired, I would go to the mall.
If I weren't tired, I would go to the mall.
Tú pareces estar cansado, ¿dormiste bien anoche?
You seem to be tired, did you sleep well last night?
You seem to be tired, did you sleep well last night?
Si no estuviera tan cansado, él terminaría su trabajo.
If he weren't so tired, he would finish his work.
If he weren't so tired, he would finish his work.
Ellos no pueden concentrarse más porque están muy cansados.
They can't concentrate anymore because they are too tired.
They can't concentrate anymore because they are too tired.
Ustedes me forzaban a ir a la escuela a pesar de que estaba cansado.
You were forcing me to go to school even though I was tired.
You were forcing me to go to school even though I was tired.
More Example Sentences.
Él no está cansado.
He's not tired.
He's not tired.
Hoy me veo muy cansado.
I look so tired today.
I look so tired today.
Pero estoy cansado, no quiero ir a la escuela.
But I'm tired, I don't want to go to school.
But I'm tired, I don't want to go to school.
Estaba tan cansado que se quedó dormido en el acto.
He was so tired that he fell asleep on the spot.
He was so tired that he fell asleep on the spot.
Me siento un poco cansada esta noche, así que decido tomar el ascensor.
I am feeling a bit tired tonight, so I decide to take the elevator.
I am feeling a bit tired tonight, so I decide to take the elevator.