How to say Today in French?
What does Aujourd'hui mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Today is translated in French by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
C'est dimanche aujourd'hui!
It's Sunday today!
It's Sunday today!
J'ai été payé aujourd'hui.
I have been paid today.
I have been paid today.
C'est tout pour aujourd'hui.
That is all for today.
That is all for today.
Pourriez-vous la nettoyer aujourd'hui?
Could you clean it today?
Could you clean it today?
J'aurai de nouveaux jouets aujourd'hui.
I will have new toys today.
I will have new toys today.
C'est mon anniversaire aujourd'hui.
It's my birthday today.
It's my birthday today.
J'ai assez d'eau pour aujourd'hui.
I have enough water for today.
I have enough water for today.
Je conduirai à Montréal aujourd'hui.
I will drive to Montreal today.
I will drive to Montreal today.
Tout le monde m'accusait aujourd'hui!
Everyone was accusing me today!
Everyone was accusing me today!
Je vais un peu mieux aujourd'hui.
I'm doing a little better today.
I'm doing a little better today.
Il n'est pas là aujourd'hui, il est malade.
He's not here today, he is sick.
He's not here today, he is sick.
Il a fait ses premiers pas aujourd'hui.
He took his first steps today.
He took his first steps today.
Bien. Et vous? Pas trop occupée aujourd'hui?
Good. And you? Not too busy today?
Good. And you? Not too busy today?
Je devais aller travailler aujourd'hui.
I was supposed to go to work today.
I was supposed to go to work today.
J'espère que tu t'amuseras aujourd'hui.
I hope that you will have fun today.
I hope that you will have fun today.
Super! Devine ce qui m'est arrivé aujourd'hui!
Awesome! Guess what happened to me today!
Awesome! Guess what happened to me today!
Tu as utilisé beaucoup de mouchoirs aujourd'hui.
You used many tissues today.
You used many tissues today.
Parce que je suis pas allée à l'école aujourd'hui.
Because I didn't go to school today.
Because I didn't go to school today.
Vous allez à Montréal aujourd'hui, c'est ça?
You are going to Montreal today, is that right?
You are going to Montreal today, is that right?
Je jouerai de la guitare près du lac aujourd'hui.
I will play guitar by the lake today.
I will play guitar by the lake today.
Merci. Il fait beau aujourd'hui, n'est-ce pas?
Thank you. It's beautiful out today, isn't it?
Thank you. It's beautiful out today, isn't it?
Donc, vous partez aujourd'hui et revenez lundi.
So, you leave today and come back on Monday.
So, you leave today and come back on Monday.
Il n'avait jamais pris l'avion avant aujourd'hui.
He had never taken the plane before today.
He had never taken the plane before today.
Elle ne veut pas sortir de la maison aujourd'hui.
She doesn't want to get out of the house today.
She doesn't want to get out of the house today.
Tu travaillerais aujourd'hui si tu n'étais pas malade.
You would work today if you weren't sick.
You would work today if you weren't sick.
Rappelle-toi que ma mère nous rend visite aujourd'hui!
Remember that my mother is coming to visit today!
Remember that my mother is coming to visit today!
Il n'y a pas d'autres vols vers Paris aujourd'hui.
There are no other flights heading to Paris today.
There are no other flights heading to Paris today.
Je marcherai cinq kilomètres dans la neige aujourd'hui.
I will walk five kilometers in the snow today.
I will walk five kilometers in the snow today.
Ils ont seulement pris l'avion une fois avant aujourd'hui.
They only took the plane once before today.
They only took the plane once before today.
Je veux seulement savoir comment allait ma fille aujourd'hui.
I just want to know how my daughter was doing today.
I just want to know how my daughter was doing today.
Vas-tu à Paris aujourd'hui? Non, j'y vais demain.
Are you going to Paris today? No, I'm going (there) tomorrow.
Are you going to Paris today? No, I'm going (there) tomorrow.
Je réponds à un email que j'ai reçu plus tôt aujourd'hui.
I am responding to an email I received earlier today.
I am responding to an email I received earlier today.
Ah, ça c'est un problème. Qu'est-ce que tu dois faire aujourd'hui?
Ah, that is a problem. What do you have to do today?
Ah, that is a problem. What do you have to do today?
J'aurai répondu à toutes les questions du client aujourd'hui.
I will have answered all of the client's questions today.
I will have answered all of the client's questions today.
Elle est encore heureuse aujourd'hui, et elle sera heureuse demain.
She is happy again today, and she will be happy tomorrow.
She is happy again today, and she will be happy tomorrow.
Elle aurait beaucoup appris aujourd'hui si elle avait eu de l'aide.
She would have learned a lot today, if she had had some help.
She would have learned a lot today, if she had had some help.
J'ai couru 10 kilomètres aujourd'hui; cependant, je veux courir encore plus.
I ran 10 kilometres today; however, I want to run even more.
I ran 10 kilometres today; however, I want to run even more.