How to say Today in Spanish?
What does Hoy mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

Today is translated in Spanish by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Today is Sunday!

You are sick today.

Could you clean it today?

What did you do today?

That is all for today.

You will have fun today.

I will have new toys today.

It's my birthday today.

He didn't come today, he is sick.

She has learned a lot today.

I'm doing a little better today.

Because I didn't go to school today.

He took his first steps today.

You used many tissues today.

I was supposed to go to work today.

Good. And you? Not too busy today?

Great. Guess what happened to me today.

I will drive to Santiago today.

I have enough water for today.

So, you leave today and come back on Monday.

She doesn't want to get out of the house today.

Thank you. It's beautiful out today, isn't it?

You are going to Cancun today, is that right?

Today is my first day at this new job.

There are no other flights heading to Lima today.

I have learned a lot in today's class.

It's sunny today, therefore we went to the beach.

I just want to know how my daughter was doing today.

Today, I will walk five kilometers in the snow.

If you weren't sick, you would work today.

Remember that my mother will be coming to visit us today!

Ah, yes, that can be a problem. What will you do today?

I got dressed to go to work, but I don't work today.

I ran 10 kilometres today. However, I want to run even more.

I am responding to an email I received earlier today.

You would have learned a lot if you had attended today's class.
More Example Sentences.

I look so tired today.

That all changed today.

Today is the 12th of July.

Today, I have not been alone.

It's a beautiful day today.

He painted your baby room today.

Today, I have a doctor's appointment.

Today, I even get to stay for the night!

Today, I'm going for a long hike in the woods.

Today, I visit the biggest museum in the country.

Today, I am going to the restaurant with my parents.

Today, I'm going to the water park with my girlfriend.

She created the computer program you are using today.

Today, she baked some delicious bear-shaped cookies.

Finally, maybe I was lucky to miss the plane today.

Today, I am leaving on a trip for the first time in two years.

The good news is that I don't have to go to school today.

I may be 24 years old, I feel like a little boy today.

Today, I'll see him again for the first time since last summer.

He told Hugo: Today, we won't do the same work we usually do.

Once in the room, the doctor asks me: So, what's wrong today?

That big man, is what we know today as the mountain gorilla.

I see a sign in the window that says: Sold out today, we're sorry.

Today, I'm finally going to see the show I've been wanting to see for months.

Today it's not raining, but a thunderstorm is in the forecast late in the afternoon.