How to say Tomato in Spanish?

What does Tomate mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Tomato” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Tomate”?

Tomato is translated in Spanish by...

El tomate (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Compraré los tomates para la cena.
I will buy the tomatoes for dinner.
¿Me puede dar lechuga en lugar de tomates?
Can I have lettuce instead of tomatoes?

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¡Solo le agrega olor a tomate!
It's just adding a tomato smell!
¡Nada puede ser peor que el jugo de tomate!
It can't be any worse than tomato juice!
El olor a zorrillo y tomates ahora llena toda la casa.
The smell of skunk and tomatoes now fills the entire house.
No creo que vaya a comer tomates en los próximos días.
I don't think I'll be eating tomatoes in the next few days.
Vierto el jugo de tomate sobre mi perro y lo esparzo sobre él.
I pour the tomato juice on my dog and spread it all over him.
Una vez escuché que el jugo de tomate ayuda a contrarrestar el olor a zorrillo.
I once heard that tomato juice was an effective remedy against skunk smell.


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