How to say Tomorrow in French?
What does Demain mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Tomorrow is translated in French by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Super! À demain Sophie.
Great! See you tomorrow Sophie.
Great! See you tomorrow Sophie.
Il ne travaille pas demain.
He doesn't work tomorrow.
He doesn't work tomorrow.
Ils annoncent quel temps demain?
What's the forecast for tomorrow?
What's the forecast for tomorrow?
Demain alors? Je connais un bon endroit.
Tomorrow then? I know a good place.
Tomorrow then? I know a good place.
Je suis prêt pour l'examen de demain.
I am ready for tomorrow's exam.
I am ready for tomorrow's exam.
Je suggère que nous partions très tôt demain.
I suggest that we leave very early tomorrow.
I suggest that we leave very early tomorrow.
Je dois étudier parce que j'ai un examen demain.
I need to study because I have an exam tomorrow.
I need to study because I have an exam tomorrow.
Ils ont un match demain, alors ils s'entraînent.
They have a game tomorrow, therefore they are practicing.
They have a game tomorrow, therefore they are practicing.
Vas-tu à Paris aujourd'hui? Non, j'y vais demain.
Are you going to Paris today? No, I'm going (there) tomorrow.
Are you going to Paris today? No, I'm going (there) tomorrow.
Le professeur m'a dit qu'il y aurait un examen demain.
The teacher told me that there would be an exam tomorrow.
The teacher told me that there would be an exam tomorrow.
Elle est encore heureuse aujourd'hui, et elle sera heureuse demain.
She is happy again today, and she will be happy tomorrow.
She is happy again today, and she will be happy tomorrow.