How to say Too much in French?

What does Trop mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Too much” in French? What is the meaning of “Trop”?

Too much is translated in French by...

Too much

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

J'ai trop de travail à faire.
I have too much work to do.
J'ai peur que nous fumions trop.
I am scared that we smoke too much.
Tu payais trop cher pour tes pistaches.
You used to pay too much for your pistachios.
Tu regardais beaucoup trop la télévision.
You used to watch television way too much.
J'avais mangé beaucoup trop de gruau ce matin-là.
I had eaten way too much oatmeal that morning.
Il dormait à son bureau, car il travaillait trop.
He used to sleep at his desk, because he worked too much.
Assure-toi que les enfants ne mangent pas trop de bonbons.
Make sure that the kids don't eat too much candy.
J'entendrais ce que tu dis, mais il y a trop de bruit en haut.
I would hear what you are saying, but there is too much noise upstairs.

More Example Sentences.

C'était trop pour Alex.
This was too much for Alex.
Elle n'avait pas trop réfléchi.
She didn't give it too much thought.
Il a trop besoin de faire de l'exercice.
He needs to exercise too much.
Elle essayait de ne pas trop y penser.
She tried not to think about it too much.
Mon maître m'accorde beaucoup trop d'attention.
My owner gives me way too much attention.


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