How to say Too much in Italian?
What does Troppo mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Too much is translated in Italian by...
Too much
Too much
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Tu guardavi troppa televisione.
You used to watch too much television.
You used to watch too much television.
Mangiare: Non mangiare troppi dolci prima di cena.
Don't eat too much candy before dinner.
Don't eat too much candy before dinner.
Io ho troppo lavoro da fare.
I have too much work to do.
I have too much work to do.
Ho paura che noi fumiamo troppo.
I am scared that we smoke too much.
I am scared that we smoke too much.
Assicurati che i bambini non mangino troppe caramelle.
Make sure that the kids don't eat too much candy.
Make sure that the kids don't eat too much candy.
Tu pagavi troppo per i tuoi pistacchi.
You used to pay too much for your pistachios.
You used to pay too much for your pistachios.
Quella mattina avevo mangiato troppo porridge.
I had eaten too much oatmeal that morning.
I had eaten too much oatmeal that morning.
Lui dormiva alla sua scrivania perché lavorava troppo.
He used to sleep at his desk because he worked too much.
He used to sleep at his desk because he worked too much.
More Example Sentences.
Il mio padrone mi dà troppe attenzioni.
My owner gives me way too much attention.
My owner gives me way too much attention.
Era troppo per Alex.
This was too much for Alex.
This was too much for Alex.
Non aveva pensato troppo.
She didn't give it too much thought.
She didn't give it too much thought.
Ha troppo bisogno di esercizio fisico.
He needs to exercise too much.
He needs to exercise too much.
Cercava di non pensarci troppo.
She tried not to think about it too much.
She tried not to think about it too much.