How to say Train in French?

What does Train mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Train” in French? What is the meaning of “Train”?

Train is translated in French by...

Le train (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Le train est long.
The train is long.
Nous attendions le train.
We were waiting for the train.
Le train ne s'arrête pas facilement.
The train doesn't stop easily
Nous attendions le train tous les matins.
We used to wait for the train every morning.
Il y a quelqu'un d'assis près des rails de train.
There is someone sitting close to the train tracks.
Dans cinq minutes, vous aurez attendu le train pendant deux heures.
In five minutes, you will have waited for the train for two hours.

More Example Sentences.

Le train est très confortable.
The train is very comfortable.
Je me rends compte que le train est en panne.
I realize the train is broken down.
Après une demi-heure, le train est toujours immobile.
After half an hour, the train is still not moving.
Je sors du train, et j'aperçois plusieurs taxis qui attendent.
I get off the train, and I see several taxis waiting.
Pour aller voir le musée, je dois prendre le train jusqu'à la gare centrale.
To go see the museum, I have to take the train to the main station.
Le train est déjà là, je m'installe confortablement dans mon siège et j'attends.
The train is already there, I sit comfortably in my seat and wait.


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