How to say True in German?
What does Wahr mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
True is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ja, das ist wahr.
Yes, that's true.
Yes, that's true.
Ja, das ist wahr... Danke.
Yes, that's true... Thank you.
Yes, that's true... Thank you.
So wahr. Aber ich denke, ich habe es herausgefunden.
So true. But I think I figured it out.
So true. But I think I figured it out.
Ist das wahr? Du warst die ganze Nacht wach?
Is that true? You were awake all night?
Is that true? You were awake all night?
Das ist wahr. Jedenfalls lass uns den Moment genießen!
It's true. Anyway, let's enjoy the moment!
It's true. Anyway, let's enjoy the moment!
Nein, das ist wahr. Wohin wollen Sie ihn schicken?
No, that's true. Where do you want to send it?
No, that's true. Where do you want to send it?
Das ist wahr. Es würde mir sehr helfen, meine Motivation zu behalten.
That is true. It would help at lot to keep my motivation.
That is true. It would help at lot to keep my motivation.
More Example Sentences.
Es ist nicht wahr.
It is not true.
It is not true.
Es war ein wahres Wunder.
It was a true miracle.
It was a true miracle.
Das ist zu schön, um wahr zu sein.
This is too good to be true.
This is too good to be true.
Sie fanden ihn voller Blut und sahen die wahre Verletzlichkeit in seinen Augen.
They found him full of blood and saw true vulnerability in his eyes.
They found him full of blood and saw true vulnerability in his eyes.
Sie stellte ihrer Mutter immer die gleiche Frage: Mutter, wann werde ich wahre Liebe finden?
She always asked her mother the same question: Mother, when will I find true love?
She always asked her mother the same question: Mother, when will I find true love?