How to say Uncle in German?
What does Onkel mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Uncle is translated in German by...
Der Onkel (m)
Example Sentences in Context.
Onkel Paul hatte eine Idee.
Uncle Paul had an idea.
Uncle Paul had an idea.
Ihre Mutter und ihr Onkel konnten in Lichtgeschwindigkeit fliegen.
Her mother and uncle could fly at the speed of light.
Her mother and uncle could fly at the speed of light.
Onkel Max war sehr glücklich, Max motiviert für seine Arbeit zu sehen.
Uncle Paul was very happy to see Max motivated about his work.
Uncle Paul was very happy to see Max motivated about his work.
Jahre vergingen und jeden Sommer kehrte Max zum Bauernhof seines Onkels zurück.
Years went by and every summer Max went back to his uncle's farm.
Years went by and every summer Max went back to his uncle's farm.
Als Max von der großartigen Überraschung seines Onkels erfuhr, war er begeistert.
When Max heard about his uncle's great surprise, he was thrilled.
When Max heard about his uncle's great surprise, he was thrilled.
Onkel Paul gehörte der Hof und er hatte dort gearbeitet, seit er sehr jung gewesen war.
Uncle Paul owned the farm and had worked there since he was very young.
Uncle Paul owned the farm and had worked there since he was very young.
Eines Tages entschieden sie sich, Max' Onkel Paul vom Verhalten ihres Sohns zu erzählen.
One day, they decided to tell Paul, Max's uncle, about their son's behavior.
One day, they decided to tell Paul, Max's uncle, about their son's behavior.
Max gefiel die Idee nicht wirklich, aber er nahm an, weil er seinen Onkel immer gemocht hatte.
Max didn't really like the idea, but he accepted because he had always felt fond of his uncle.
Max didn't really like the idea, but he accepted because he had always felt fond of his uncle.
Sein Onkel erzählte ihm die Geschichte, wie er in den Besitz des Hofs gelangt war und wie viel ihm daran lag.
His uncle told him the story of how he came to own that farm and how much he cared for it.
His uncle told him the story of how he came to own that farm and how much he cared for it.
Eines Tages, als die Sonne kurz vor dem Untergehen war, sah Onkel Paul Max alleine sitzen, der den Horizont anstarrte.
One day, when the sun was about to set, uncle Paul watched Max sitting alone staring at the horizon.
One day, when the sun was about to set, uncle Paul watched Max sitting alone staring at the horizon.