How to say Uncle in Spanish?

What does Tío mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Uncle” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Tío”?

Uncle is translated in Spanish by...

El tío (m)

Example Sentences in Context.

El tío Paul tuvo una idea.
Uncle Paul had an idea in mind.
Su madre y su tío podían volar a la velocidad de la luz.
Her mother and uncle could fly at the speed of light.
El tío Paul estaba muy feliz de ver a Max motivado por su trabajo.
Uncle Paul was very happy to see Max motivated about his work.
Pasaron los años y cada verano Max regresó a la granja de su tío.
Years went by and every summer Max went back to his uncle's farm.
El tío Paul era dueño de la granja y había trabajado allí desde muy joven.
Uncle Paul owned the farm and had worked there since he was very young.
Cuando se enteró de la gran sorpresa que le había preparado su tío, se sorprendió.
When he found out about his uncle's great surprise, he was amazed.
Un día, decidieron contarle a Paul, el tío de Max, sobre el comportamiento de su hijo.
One day, they decided to tell Paul, Max's uncle, about their son's behavior.
A Max no le gustó mucho la idea, pero aceptó porque siempre le había agradado su tío.
Max didn't really like the idea, but he accepted because he had always felt fond of his uncle.
Su tío le contó la historia de cómo llegó a ser dueño de esa granja y cuánto le importaba.
His uncle told him the story of how he came to own that farm and how much he cared for it.
Un día, cuando estaba a punto de atardecer, el tío Paul vio a Max sentado solo mirando el horizonte.
One day, when the sun was about to set, uncle Paul watched Max sitting alone staring at the horizon.
Y ese era sólo el comienzo porque el plan de su tío era que pasara un mes y medio en la granja.
This was just the beginning, because his uncle's plan was for him to spend a month and a half on the farm.
Max se despertó al día siguiente recordando las palabras de su tío y decidió ayudar con las tareas diarias.
Max woke up the following day remembering his uncle's words, and decided to collaborate with the daily tasks.


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