How to say Unfortunately in French?
What does Malheureusement mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Unfortunately is translated in French by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Non, malheureusement, c'est la seule couleur.
No, unfortunately, it is the only color.
No, unfortunately, it is the only color.
J'ai brûlé les biscuits, malheureusement.
I burnt the cookies, unfortunately.
I burnt the cookies, unfortunately.
Non, malheureusement. Nous avons construit la cheminée nous-mêmes.
No, unfortunately. We built the fireplace ourselves.
No, unfortunately. We built the fireplace ourselves.
More Example Sentences.
Malheureusement, je pars seulement dix jours.
Unfortunately, I'm only leaving for ten days.
Unfortunately, I'm only leaving for ten days.
Malheureusement, le bateau de croisière est seulement ici pour une journée.
Unfortunately, the cruise ship is only here for one day.
Unfortunately, the cruise ship is only here for one day.
Malheureusement, ils n'acceptent pas les cartes de crédit et je n'ai pas d'argent comptant sur moi.
Unfortunately, they don't accept credit cards and I don't have any cash on me.
Unfortunately, they don't accept credit cards and I don't have any cash on me.