How to say Unfriendly in German?
What does Unfreundlich mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Unfriendly is translated in German by...
Example Sentences in Context.
Carolina und Veronica waren unfreundlich, eifersüchtig und launisch.
Carolina and Veronica were unfriendly, jealous, and capricious.
Carolina and Veronica were unfriendly, jealous, and capricious.
Mein Kollege ist so unfreundlich.
My coworker is so unfriendly.
My coworker is so unfriendly.
Er war in letzter Zeit unfreundlich ..
He has been unfriendly lately..
He has been unfriendly lately..
Warum bist du so unfreundlich mit mir?
Why are you so unfriendly with me.
Why are you so unfriendly with me.