Learn Italian: Vegetables

Italian translations with examples in context, native recordings and images.

Learn Italian Vegetables
Gli ortaggi (m)

La fattoria aveva campi di grano, riso e alcuni ortaggi che erano molto adatti a quei terreni.
The farm had fields of wheat, rice and some vegetables that were very well-suited for those soils.
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Gli asparagi (m)

Mangia i tuoi asparagi.
Eat your asparagus.
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I fagioli (m)

La loro dieta era a base di fagioli e verdure.
Their diets were based on beans and vegetables.
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I broccoli (m)

Tu hai odiato i broccoli per lungo tempo.
You have hated broccoli for a long time.
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La carota (f)

Gradite delle carote con i vostri pasti?
Would you like some carrots with your meals?
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Il cavolfiore (m)

Odio il cavolfiore.
I hate cauliflower.
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Il sedano (m)

Il sedano ha poche calorie.
Celery is low in calories.
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Il mais (m)

Stanno giocando nel campo di grano.
They are playing in the corn field.
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Il cetriolo (m)

Cosa posso fare di più? Senza attrezzi, non potrò piantare i miei cetrioli.
What more can I do? Without tools, I can't plant my cucumbers.
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La melanzana (f)

Una melanzana è viola.
An eggplant is purple.
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Il peperoncino (m)
Hot pepper

Sta mangiando un peperoncino.
She is eating a hot pepper.
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La lattuga (f)

Posso avere della lattuga invece dei pomodori?
Can I have lettuce instead of tomatoes?
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Il fungo (m)

Questo fungo è sicuro da mangiare?
Is this mushroom safe to eat?
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La cipolla (f)

La capitale della cipolla?
The onion capital?
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I piselli (m)

Ha preparato una deliziosa zuppa di piselli.
She made a delicious pea soup.
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Il peperone (m)

Comprerò un peperone.
I'll buy one pepper.
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La patata (f)

Questo campo è pieno di patate. Quelle sono enormi?
The field is filled with potatoes. Those ones are huge?
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Il ravanello (m)

Non ho mai mangiato un ravanello.
I've never eaten a radish.
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Lo spinacio (m)

A lei non piacciono affatto gli spinaci.
She does not like spinach at all.
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Il pomodoro (m)

Io comprerò i pomodori per la cena.
I will buy the tomatoes for dinner.
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