How to say Village in German?
What does Dorf mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Village is translated in German by...

Example Sentences in Context.

Most of the inhabitants in the village were very poor.

He was by far the strongest man in the village.

She stayed in a tiny lodge in the middle of the village.

The economy of the village was completely dependent on mining.

He lifted him over his shoulders and carried him to the village.

All the villagers of the Oaxaca tribe were happy and healthy.

There was no comparison between him and the other villagers.

There was once a small village in the middle of a large mountain range.

We haven't been able to find a cure and my villagers are all dying.

In the village, some of the locals suffered from an incurable illness.

The other miners in the village thought that Milo and Hugo had gone mad.

He mounted the fawn on the back of his horse and returned to his village.

When night came, Rabadak was once again the center of attention in the village.

Everyone in the village loved her and often commented on how beautiful and charming she was.

When the villagers saw him approaching with the fawn's body, they couldn't believe it.

They returned to their village with more money than they could have earned in their entire lives.

In the village, everyone noticed Bory's absence and thought that perhaps the storm had killed him.

The inhabitants of the neighboring village had warned him not to go because it could be very dangerous.

The ecologist considered these as superstitious stories told by the villagers to have a little fun.

On the other hand, nobody in the village paid attention to her sisters because they were known as evil and rude.