How to say Village in Spanish?

What does Pueblo mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Village” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Pueblo”?

Village is translated in Spanish by...

El pueblo (m)

Example Sentences in Context.

Se quedó en una pequeña cabaña en medio del pueblo.
She stayed in a tiny lodge in the middle of the village.
La mayoría de los habitantes del pueblo eran muy pobres.
Most of the inhabitants in the village were very poor.
Lo levantó sobre sus hombros y lo llevó al pueblo.
He lifted him over his shoulders and carried him to the village.
La economía del pueblo dependía completamente de la minería.
The economy of the village was completely dependent on mining.
En el pueblo, algunos lugareños sufrieron de una enfermedad incurable.
In the village, some of the locals suffered from an incurable illness.
Había una vez un pequeño pueblo situado en medio de una gran cadena montañosa.
There was once a small village in the middle of a large mountain range.
Los otros mineros del pueblo pensaban que Milo y Hugo se habían vuelto locos.
The other miners in the village thought that Milo and Hugo had gone mad.
Cuando llegó la noche, nuevamente Rabadak fue el centro de atención del pueblo.
When night came, Rabadak was once again the center of attention in the village.
Todos en el pueblo la amaban y comentaban lo hermosa y encantadora que era.
Everyone in the village loved her and often commented on how beautiful and charming she was.
En el pueblo, todos notaron la ausencia de Bory y pensaron que tal vez la tormenta lo había matado.
In the village, everyone noticed Bory's absence and thought that perhaps the storm had killed him.
Pasaron varios meses, y un día, queriendo volver a ser útil para su pueblo, se le ocurrió una idea brillante.
Several months passed, and one day, wanting to be useful to his village again, a brilliant idea came to him.


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