How to say Wall in Spanish?

What does Pared mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Wall” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Pared”?

Wall is translated in Spanish by...

La pared (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Hay una nota en la pared.
There is a note on the wall.
La bicicleta está contra la pared.
The bicycle is against the wall.
¡Qué bonito! ¿Acaso son caracoles los que están en las paredes?
How beautiful! Are those sea shells on the walls?
Tú vas a cambiar el color de las paredes de la casa.
You are going to change the color of the walls in the house.

More Example Sentences.

Las paredes del edificio son muy gruesas, dudo mucho que alguien pueda oírme.
The walls are really thick in this building, I highly doubt that anyone can hear me.
Cuando regresaron a la extraña estructura, se dieron cuenta de que parecía haber dibujos en las paredes.
When they returned to the strange structure, they realized that there seemed to be drawings on the walls.


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